Content Marketing Tag

Curating a Captivating Blog Post

The world of content marketing is fast and changes by the hour. I recently talked to a colleague about what goes into content creation, and my friend said, "It's just writing blogs; it's not that big of a deal." Aside

The Instagram Algorithm Decoded…For Now

Are you trying to crack the algorithm, hoping that when you do, it'll lead to more sales on Instagram? What is an "algorithm" anyway? The algorithm is the unseen force that decides what content ends up in your Instagram feed.

How to Generate Content Ideas

We've talked about how to spark inspiration, now let's talk about how to generate content based on that inspiration. Content can easily become saturated as competition for attention increases, that is why it's important to find topics for your content

How to Save Time by Batching Content

What Does Batching Content Mean?Are you a master batcher? Ahem. What we mean is, are you a boss at batching your content? Batching your content is when you set aside time to do a bunch of one thing at one

Upcoming Social Media Workshop

We are hosting a social media workshop on April 19th in Northfield, MN. We will cover five major platforms and what you can do to increase engagement, SEO and business through these platforms, as well as, how Facebook and Instagram

One Thing Your Craft Brewery Can’t Market Without

Entrepreneur recently published an article about the spirit of collaboration in the craft beer industry. They explain that, acting in their own best interest, craft beer experts have long worked together. While this is an interesting phenomenon, it brings to

19 Ways To Strategically Dominate On Blab

Blab is a new social platform that hosts a network of live 2-4 person video chats (think Periscope meets Google Hangout). You can find or host relevant blabs through categories or by connecting with your Twitter audience. Users can

13 Best Quotes From The Content Code

The Content Code, a social media marketing book penned by expert Mark Schaefer. As I’ve been reading it, I’ve highlighted and marked up the text. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Chapters 1-4. Creating

Important Website Metrics for Measuring Your Campaign

When it comes to running a online marketing campaign, your most important insights come from your ability to collect and measure a variety of analytics. In fact, your whole campaign hinges on your website and social media performance. That being

How to Use Twitter – A Brief Tutorial

Woot! Woot! Our first screencast! Watch our video to learn about the basic navigation tools of Twitter. We will show you how to compose a tweet, learn how to interact with your followers and build your confidence around this social media