Author: Tami Enfield

Holding Space for Grief in the Workplace

I'm sitting in my home office this morning feeling the presence of my dad all around me. Today is the second anniversary of his death. I made sure to leave today open on my calendar, free of appointments. I wasn't

How to Develop Your Beer Voice

We've been around the brewery. (See what I did there -- we've been around the brewery, not the block. Ha! Humor is definitely part of our voice.) Not only have we really enjoyed visiting and consuming brews at new taprooms, we've

How to Create Custom Instagram Highlights

It's no secret, Instagram is by far my favorite social app. There are so many possibilities, and sometimes I get lost engaging, scrolling through the photo grids, and watching the stories. Instagram, along with most technology, is always innovating and changing.

Today, I am Grateful for CHOICE

It’s the number one lesson my dad taught me. You will always have a choice. Choice is something that can never be taken away from you. You have the choice on how you react to something. You have the choice

Gratitude and Growth

Let's face it, growth can be scary. Whether that is personal or professional, it isn't always easy. 2018 has been a year of growth for me, and as I reflect on it, it brings me a flood of emotions: happy,

Creating a Habit of Gratitude

2018 has been, without a doubt, the most rewarding, challenging and incredible year of my life. My husband and I joke and often wonder when our lives will slow down. In the last four years we have moved across the country,

4 Ways to Improve Your Ad Targeting

Advertising with Facebook (who also owns Instagram!) allows you to easily connect with your target audience. Whether you are trying to bring new leads into your sales funnel or convert current leads into customers, being able to reach these people

10 Tips for Creating a Holiday Marketing Plan

The holiday season is upon us! Are you ready? You're already late. There is no better time than now to start thinking about your holiday marketing plan. The earlier you can start planning your holiday strategy, the better! Here are

Insta Hack: Create Unique Instagram Bios

You may have seen them, the unique Instagram bios that have multiple lines or fun emojis. So you think it seems easy enough right? And hop on Instagram to make it happen. You select edit profile, select bio, enter your