Social Media Tag

The Instagram Algorithm Decoded…For Now

Are you trying to crack the algorithm, hoping that when you do, it'll lead to more sales on Instagram? What is an "algorithm" anyway? The algorithm is the unseen force that decides what content ends up in your Instagram feed.

Hooks that Actually Work

Social media content should be consistent, repeatable, and engaging. It gets rather difficult to find 10 different ways to say the same thing, doesn’t it? You also must be creative enough to grab someone’s attention within a few seconds. So.

2023 Predicted Marketing Trends

2023 is a few weeks away; hopefully, you are working ahead and preparing content for the new year. Before digging into content writing, check out our 2023 predicted marketing trends. These tips will help you create attainable marketing goals, and

Call-to-Action Strategies that Increase Engagement on Your Posts

Keep your marketing goals in mind when creating social media content! What is it that you genuinely want to accomplish on your social platforms? Critical goals, like more followers, increased business, and more website clicks, are all important, but have

Creating Your Hashtag Strategy

In the past we've dug into some tips on outwitting social media algorithms to get your posts noticed. Engagement is a science, and it requires attention for it to work to your benefit.Hashtags are funny little things. You've probably seen

5 Easy Steps to Creating a Social Post!

Creating content can be very fun, but also challenging and time-consuming. At Brand Yourself, we produce our custom stock photos, videos, and copy, which provides our clients with original and unique content. Marketing may be our job, but that doesn't

We Know You Hate Social Media. We Do Too Sometimes!

There is a rumble happening in the social media world right now. People are sick of their phones. They take time away from Facebook and Instagram to reconnect with their loved ones. Tech-free dinners and screen time discussions are all

Why the Social Media Algorithms Hate You

Social. Media. Algorithms.  Back in the day, your feed was organized based on publish time. This allowed brands and companies to reach a higher percentage of their target audience solely by being consistent with their posts. If you wanted to reach

How to Generate Content Ideas

We've talked about how to spark inspiration, now let's talk about how to generate content based on that inspiration. Content can easily become saturated as competition for attention increases, that is why it's important to find topics for your content