2023 Predicted Marketing Trends

2023 Predicted Marketing Trends

2023 is a few weeks away; hopefully, you are working ahead and preparing content for the new year. Before digging into content writing, check out our 2023 predicted marketing trends. These tips will help you create attainable marketing goals, and they will help you write engaging content that resonates with your audience.

⚠️TRANSPARENCY ALERT⚠️ The information below is HEAVY. But, before you get overwhelmed and close the browser, here is the secret sauce- BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF ON SOCIAL. When you do that, you can check multiple items below off your to-do list. Let’s dive in.


Create Muti-Sensory Experiences with content 

  • Use on-brand images, videos, and audio files with keyword-rich captions.
  • Long-form videos that are great for YouTube. We recommend 6-8 minutes at a minimum, so they are searchable.
  • Short-form videos work best on social platforms. Remember to film vertically and keep them under 60 seconds. 


Increase Transparency 

  • Keep up with your security efforts on your website, and install those updates! Add 2-step authentication on your website and social channels.
  • Talk with your audience about your privacy efforts and how you are working to keep your audience safe.  
  • Stay on top of your social listening to see what people say about your brand. This will bring opportunity to the table and give you a heads-up about a crisis.
  • Step away from platforms with values that do not align with your brand. You do not have to be everywhere to be successful. 
  • Understand who you work with, whether it is partnerships, influencers, etc. Make sure they line up with your brand values. 

Build Community Efforts 

  • Gone are the days of social being self-gratifying. Focus on building a community of like-minded individuals and your ideal customer. 
  • Join Groups and start conversations with group members. Talk with people and not at people. 
  • Use hashtags to pinpoint what your community cares about and optimize your campaigns around those points. 

Social is Social 

  • We say this all the time- but you MUST interact and engage with your audience to show them you are not a bot.  
  • Encourage people to leave you a review. And then respond to ALL reviews on ALL platforms- EVEN the negative ones. 
  • Always respond to people when they comment on your content. 
  • Create captions that ask your audience questions. Find topics they care about by doing some hashtag research. 
  • Comment on posts you find about your brand through social listening or by searching hashtags.


Decentralized Platforms are on the rise. 

  • These platforms are run by consumers, not mega-corporations known to censor content. How data is stored and what is published is the consumer’s choice. BeReal and LOL are two examples of these platforms. 
  • Join these platforms to engage with your audience- even if it’s for the short term. 


Cookies are going stale…. expect to see them go away either at the end of the year or in 2024. 

  • To help your marketing efforts stay consistent, ensure your website SEO is updated! Clean up page titles, meta tags, and headings.
  • Your website copy MUST be clear and keyword-rich. 
  • Utilize social listening to find your audience’s resonating interests, lifestyle, and trends. Follow what people say about your brand.  
  • Cloud Campaign has Social Listening built right into it. Check it out here.

The Metaverse is expanding. 

  • The Metaverse consists of VR (Virtual Reality), NFT, CRYPTO, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and AR (Augmented Reality), and you will see it gaining popularity. It is okay to sit back and watch the Metaverse unfold instead jumping in right away.

We told you the information above was heavy. Take a deep breath and after you exhale, sit down and prioritize what you want to accomplish first (here’s a hint- it has something to do with SEO.) As always, we are here for you and only one scheduled meeting away! 

Contact us today if you’d like to learn more ways to create AMAZING social content that helps you increase sales! Why let someone else brand you when you can brand yourself?


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