Why Non-Profits Need to Get Social

Why Non-Profits Need to Get Social

Whether it’s for a small business or a non-profit organization, social media is becoming a vital part of today’s marketing and advertising efforts. However, a number of non-profit organizations have been slow adapt their marketing strategy to include a social media game plan. We’re here to tell you a few reasons why non-profits need to get social, and fast!

1. Connecting and engaging with your audience online. Social media provides a great space for connecting and engaging with your target demographics. Have powerful conversations with potential donors and volunteers interested in your cause. Keep past donors and former volunteers engaged with your organization by providing daily updates.

2. Promoting events you host or sponsor. Are you holding an event or sponsoring an event? Get the word out in your online community! Social media platforms can help support your event promotion efforts by providing the right advertising tools and resources needed to reach your followers.

3. Fundraising for your cause. A vital activity for all non-profits is securing public and private funds for operations. Social media acts as an amazing resource for obtaining additional funds and marketing for your fundraisers – especially during annual giving events such as Give to the Max Day or other community fundraisers.

4. Collaborating with other organizations. Interested in collaborating with other organizations in your community? Social media is a great place to connect with other similar non-profits. You can use different social media platforms to engage and publicly share your story, while working with others online to promote your cause.

5. Integrating social outreach efforts. Non-profit organizations with a successful social presence actively utilize social media to expand their social outreach efforts. From recruiting new volunteers to creating change online, social media can help you meet your organization’s goals and grow your mission.

6. Providing a valuable inbound marketing resource. The first thing most businesses ask themselves when developing or revisiting an online marketing strategy is: Are we searchable? Can our customers or clients easily find us with a quick internet search? The same reasoning applies to non-profit organizations. Can people looking for your organization easily find it online? If not, you may want to evaluate your online and social media strategy.

Infographic Sourcehttp://bit.ly/16HXXYY


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