Our Story Tag

Today, I am Grateful for CHOICE

It’s the number one lesson my dad taught me. You will always have a choice. Choice is something that can never be taken away from you. You have the choice on how you react to something. You have the choice

Not the Kind You Put On a Cow’s Butt

When Tasha came to work at Brand Yourself and we were getting set to order her new business cards -- we first had to determine the appropriate title -- then had to put the printer to work. Her title became

Welcome, Tasha Herrgott to the Brand Yourself team!

2017 is already set to be a year of great growth for Brand Yourself. In addition to becoming a Hubspot Partner Agency, we are also growing our team! Brand Yourself Consulting is proud to announce that we are bringing Tasha

What the $@*% has Tami been up to??!!

I feel like a new woman. School is back in session - my kiddos are running happily around while in someone else’s care. Everyone (including my teacher BFF’s) are back on a normal routine. It’s not quite so damn hot

Katelyn Goes to Work

A list of a few things I have done in the past 24 hours: said goodbye to my first home away from home (Um Ya Ya!); cuddled my dog after moving back to my parents’ house; ate Falafel King

Welcome, Katelyn Regenscheid to the Brand Yourself Team!

Birds are chirping, flowers are sprouting, and business is budding. That’s right--Brand Yourself is growing! On June 1st, we will be welcoming Katelyn Regenscheid, a soon-to-be St. Olaf grad, to our team. Katelyn will graduate in May of 2015 with a