Facebook Marketing Tag

Hooks that Actually Work

Social media content should be consistent, repeatable, and engaging. It gets rather difficult to find 10 different ways to say the same thing, doesn’t it? You also must be creative enough to grab someone’s attention within a few seconds. So.

4 Ways to Improve Your Ad Targeting

Advertising with Facebook (who also owns Instagram!) allows you to easily connect with your target audience. Whether you are trying to bring new leads into your sales funnel or convert current leads into customers, being able to reach these people

One Thing Your Craft Brewery Can’t Market Without

Entrepreneur recently published an article about the spirit of collaboration in the craft beer industry. They explain that, acting in their own best interest, craft beer experts have long worked together. While this is an interesting phenomenon, it brings to

Facebook’s BIG Changes For Pages

Facebook Pages has rolled out several changes recently. The changes are designed to improve user-friendliness and aesthetics. The look of your Page has likely been updated with a new layout! If not, here’s a look at what you’re in

7 Tips To Manage A Brewery Opening

Brand Yourself has handled a range social media campaigns and launches. We’ve hosted Instagram contests and Facebook giveaways. We’ve launched Instagram campaigns and branded Twitter profiles. One thing we had never done: seen a client through their official opening. Forager Brewery

13 Best Quotes From The Content Code

The Content Code, a social media marketing book penned by expert Mark Schaefer. As I’ve been reading it, I’ve highlighted and marked up the text. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Chapters 1-4. Creating