Author: Tami Enfield

Best Places to Work Outside of an Office

Ready to ditch the office? We listed some of our favorite places to work. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot or somewhere without distractions, you're likely to find a work space that best fits your needs. Do you love

What is a Bounce Rate?

If you're new to Google Analytics for you business, you may be confused by the bounce rate. Don't worry. We once had to google it ourselves. A bounce rate means the number (percentage) of visitors who navigate away from your

How Often Should You Post on Social Media?

One of the most frequently asked questions we answer is: How often should I post to my business's social networks? The answer differs a bit for each network, as they are unique marketing channels for your business. We'll go over

Creating Online Content for Your Business

You've heard it from your friends and other business owners: If you want to be a successful brand or agency within your community or if you're looking to branch out into a new market, you need to create amazing online

The Nine Most Awkward Moments on Social Media

If you're a Social Media Manager, you've definitely experienced awkward and sometimes strange moments on the job. There's no avoiding it. When something really awkward happens, you put on your best face and try your hardest to rectify the situation.

When Parents Join Facebook

It finally happened. Mom or Dad created their own Facebook page. Should you add them as a friend? Do they even know what Facebook is? Oh goodness, did they just post a google search in a Facebook status? Oh no,

Create Snapchat Stories for Your Business

Do you have a Snapchat for your business? If not, Snapchat just may be the next social avenue for your brand, especially if you're looking to reach much younger audiences, as around 71% of Snapchat users are under the age