Hooks that Actually Work

Hooks that Actually Work

Social media content should be consistent, repeatable, and engaging. It gets rather difficult to find 10 different ways to say the same thing, doesn’t it? You also must be creative enough to grab someone’s attention within a few seconds. So. Much. Pressure. 

Enter the hook. A hook is a technique used in the beginning of a piece of content to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read on. Some examples of hooks are questions, quotes, statistics, or anecdotes. In this blog post, we wanted to share 10 hook ideas we have as our go-to when our creativity starts to fade. 


Four things you didn’t know about. Use this hook for a variety of subjects. It piques readers’ interest and makes them want to read more to discover these four things.  

Why I don’t _____ and you shouldn’t either. Use this to share personal experiences and give readers insight about actions or habits to avoid. For example, “Why I don’t wash my hair every day and you shouldn’t either” or “Why I don’t run a Facebook Group and you shouldn’t either.” 

Never have I ever. Who doesn’t love a good, never have I ever story? This hook works great to share personal anecdotes and experiences that are relatable and interesting to readers. 

The three biggest myths about ______. Do you want to debunk common misconceptions or lies about a specific subject? If so, then this hook is for you! A great hook for Brand Yourself could be “The three biggest myths of social media marketing” or “The three biggest lies about the algorithm.” 

Don’t do _____ on _____. Give readers a rule or guideline to follow when it comes to a specific subject. These types of hooks are great for showing your knowledge base in your industry. For example, “Don’t use the same CTA across all of your social media platforms” or “Don’t post hashtags on Facebook” are two hooks relevant to Brand Yourself. 

Do you make this common mistake on _____? Use this to point out common mistakes that people make when it comes to a specific subject. These hooks help to position you as an expert in your industry. “Do you post consistently but never engage on Instagram?” or “Do you make this common mistake on social media marketing?” are great hook ideas specifically for Brand Yourself. 

Reasons why [this] isn’t working anymore. This hook can be used to give readers insight into why specific strategies or tactics may no longer be effective. For example, “Reasons why your content isn’t working anymore” or “Reasons why social media isn’t selling your product anymore.” After you use this hook, leave the reader with the solution, or give them a call to action (CTA) to contact you for help fixing the issue. 

Quit _____. Give readers a reason to stop doing something that may not be beneficial to them. Brand Yourself examples for this type of hook are “Quit posting hashtags on Facebook” or “Quit hiding behind your brand.” 

An easy hack for _____. This hook gives readers a simple solution or tip for a specific subject. “An easy hack for a healthy breakfast” would be an excellent hook for a nutritionist, or “An easy hack for growing tomatoes” is another great hack for a horticulturist, farmer, homesteader, or gardener. 

We have a secret. Who doesn’t want to know a secret? This hook can be used to pique readers’ curiosity and make them want to read more to find out what the secret is. 

 Try one or more of these and let us know how they help you! 

Are you curious about more ways for you to crush your content on social media? Contact us today to learn more about the Social Edge Marketing Society, a group of likeminded individuals that meet weekly to learn different strategies to implement on their social platforms to have instant results. You also receive 10 social media prompts with templates EACH MONTH to help you with content creation as part of our society. Seriously. We can’t wait for you to join us! 


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