Author: Tami Enfield

Craft Brewers Conference 2016 — Hello, Philadelphia!

“Holy shit you guys! I’ve been thinking about what to say since December 3rd….” That’s how I opened my first ever Craft Brewers Conference presentation. Actually, my first presentation to an international audience. I think it captured everyone’s attention and

Social Media Spring Cleaning Checklist

Does Spring have you itching for some change? Us, too. We want to make it easy to give your social media presence a facelift. With three tips, you can transform how your brand leverages a social media platform. [Tweet "Spring

Craft Brewers Conference 2016

In case you hadn't heard, the Brand Yourself team is really into beer. With 17 years of combined drinking experience, you might even call us experts. Well, that, and the fact that we are passionate about our clients in the beer

Social Media Post Inspiration

Creating content on a consistent basis can get challenging. Everyone needs inspiration to keep their page entertaining and to engage their audiences. Brand Yourself works with many different types of businesses - from craft beer distributors to printing companies.

Marketing A Special Beer Release With Your Distributor

Born in a garage, bred in a brewhouse, shared with the world. Your beer's story is personal, we get it. But when your craft brewery begins to distribute, your story becomes quite public. How will you tell your story when

Brewery Pre-Opening Marketing Checklist

After countless sleepless nights, negotiations with contractors, and minute recipe alterations, you've arrived. It's really here. It's nearly time to open your brewery. Holy sh*t. [Tweet "It's nearly time to open your brewery. Holy sh*t."] One of the most

How To Market Your Beer’s Special Release

When someone has a baby, there is a lot of hype around it. As there should be! You see birth announcements, baptisms, Facebook albums, the whole nine yards. So, if your brew is like a baby to you, you should

How To Find Your Brewery’s Unfair Marketing Advantage

In a country with over 4,000 craft breweries and too many flannel/beard combos, you are going to need something more to your story. Something that can't be duplicated, that draws the masses to your brewery, something different. What you

Social Media New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

  Every new year gives you the opportunity to start fresh. A clean slate. An blinking cursor. 2016 can be the year of you. You can grow your business, increase brand awareness, and engage with your customers. All you