Social Media Tag

Pinterest for the Small Business Owner

  Pinterest is a great social network for promoting products visually and increasing web traffic. But, what if you're a small company that doesn't sell a product, but performs a service? Or, you're an independent blogger looking to increase your web

Why You Should Consider Your Current Social Media Followers

When was the last time you ‘liked’ a business page on Facebook not knowing ANYTHING about the company or having experienced their brand/product for yourself? Probably NEVER (unless your friend just started up a business and you felt obligated to

What elements make up a good content strategy?

Believe it or not, there is a strategy when putting together posts for your Facebook page, Twitter account or any other social media platform. You need to think about things such as: What is going to create the most engagement?

5 Items Your Facebook Page Needs to Succeed

We manage a lot of Facebook Pages. We have had time to determine what makes a Page succeed. Here are our top 5 items you need to achieve Facebook marketing success! Good graphics. Consistent branding is what builds trust with your

Tell Your Story with the use of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a term that not in everyone’s vocabulary yet but it is something that every business is doing. Doing well? Maybe. Let’s discuss it. I have been reading a book called Content Marketing by Rebecca Lieb. It explains what

Facebook Page Engagement Rate

While you might have different purposes for engaging fans on Facebook, every business will want to know what content creates the most interaction from their fans. If you know what types of content motivates your fans to interact with your