Pinterest for the Small Business Owner

Pinterest for the Small Business Owner


Pinterest is a great social network for promoting products visually and increasing web traffic. But, what if you’re a small company that doesn’t sell a product, but performs a service? Or, you’re an independent blogger looking to increase your web traffic? Pinterest isn’t just a visual platform for products and DIY instructions. It’s a place where a brand or company can artistically express their personality and promote their services to a wider community of online followers. Confused on what type of content you should be putting on your Pinterest Boards? We’ll give you a few tips on what to pin and how to increase followers.

Visual Images

Visual image content can range from a beautiful, inspiring picture of a sunset to a humorous, industry-relevant comic. When it comes to choosing the right visual image, you’ll want to make sure it’s related to your industry, pinned under the right board category, and large enough for your followers to see. Smaller images are less likely to be repinned. The same goes for pixelated or blurry images. Always make sure you source your image.

If you’re familiar with Pinterest, chances are you’ve repinned a few infographics. An infographic visually tells a story using the representation data and statistics through eye-catching graphic design. A good infographic should capture the attention of viewers by being aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. They’re also known for being shareable. You should repin or create infographics with timely and relevant data. The image should be large enough to see and the words should be big enough to read.

Inspirational image quotes are very popular content on Pinterest. This includes any images where words are graphically represented on a picture. Image quotes, much like plain images, should be large in size and easy to read. Words that are hard to read on a background image are least likely to be repinned. This includes images that are too small or too blurry.

Articles are another great form of content on Pinterest. Pin industry relevant articles to your boards. Make sure when you’re pinning from the internet, the picture from the article accurately represents its content. If you can’t find an image for your article, you can upload a picture to Pinterest and source the image back to your article. This will make the article more shareable and catch the eye of your followers and their followers.

Increase Pinterest Followers

  • Description: When pinning an article or image, Pinterest will prompt you for a description of the image. The best image description will use relevant keywords and hashtags. This will help make your article or picture easier to search.
  • Follow Others: Following others is the best way to increase your followers and repins. After all, how are people going to see your content if they don’t know your Pinterest exists? The best people to follow are those who are interested in the same content and other businesses in your industry.
  • Repin, Repin, Repin: Repin as much content as possible over a consistent period of time. It’s even acceptable to repin the same content you already pinned to one of your boards. However, don’t over do it by spamming your followers with the same content on a daily basis.
  • Create Your Own Content: Get your name out there with shareable, branded content. If an original infographic or quote goes viral on Pinterest, your logo should be right there. Front and center. The content you create should ALWAYS be sourced back to your website.

Need more tips on how to pin for your business? Follow us on Pinterest!


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