Not the Kind You Put On a Cow’s Butt

Not the Kind You Put On a Cow’s Butt

When Tasha came to work at Brand Yourself and we were getting set to order her new business cards — we first had to determine the appropriate title — then had to put the printer to work. Her title became Ambassador of Buzz — the business cards haven’t made it to the printer yet….

I’ve owned Brand Yourself for the last 6+ years and designed the brand myself. It has NEVER occurred to me that people may not know that the logo is actually a cattle brand. (No, I’ve never owned or branded cattle but I like the concept of it — of leaving my mark.)

Tasha, after her 3rd or so day, came into my office and said, “Tami, we are cool. Brand Yourself is cool. Our cards should be cool and showcase our personalities.” She also informed me that after polling some people — only 50% could see that the logo resembled a cattle brand. Something needed to be done.

Tasha took me through the process that we take our clients through. We started with a Discovery Session to pull out our core values, who our target market was, and what services we wanted to grow. We then created a mood board of what images, colors, textures, and ideas I liked. We also discussed websites that completely killed it (and those that didn’t).

Here is where we found some inspiration for color palette, style, and business card:

I absolutely LOVE doing this with clients. It is one of the most favorite parts of my job. I did however realize that after going through the process myself how exhausting it is! It’s hard to pull this out of yourself. I ALMOST considered hiring a branding team to brand Brand Yourself. Ha!

After we were content with our concept, we pulled our team of talented web and graphic designers together and now our new website reflects our personalities with funny-faced gifs, a fun video, and some branded cows. What do you think?

We build brands. Not the kind you put on a cow’s butt, but we’re not saying you can’t.


Part of the team:

  • Website: Abel Creative Group
  • Logo/Business Card Redesign: Arianna Design



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