How to Promote a Workshop

How to Promote a Workshop

Do you host workshops for your business? If not, you might want to consider it. Workshops help promote your service or business to other community members. They also allow you to showcase your skills as an industry leader. You’ll appear knowledgable and reliable to potential new clients, or community members who will likely talk about your workshop and business to others. Once you have your workshop planned out, all you need to do is promote it. We put together some great tips to help get you started.

1. Create a workshop event page on your website. Before you promote your workshops on social media, you will want to create an event page on your website. Make sure to include all the event details. Attendees should be able to register for your workshop on your website. You should have social media “share buttons” for each workshop.

2. Create graphics. Your event should have a digital poster or graphic to be included on all social media platforms. This poster should contain basic date/time/location information. Should the viewer want more information on the workshop, provide an event link to your website on the graphic below the event information. All graphics should be consistent with your brand and appealing to the eye.

3. Promote the event. You should begin promoting your event at least a month before the workshop date. For larger workshop events, begin promoting at least a month and a half before the event date. Include posts on multiply social media networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.). Try to keep post text down to 2-3 sentences; use graphics or event links to provide additional information to attendees. To help promote your workshop further, create a special hashtag for your event, offer discounted workshop promotions, and/or share your event on your personal social media networks.

4. Send out newsletter/email blast. Do you have newsletter or mailing list for your coaching business? If not, you should set one up as soon as possible. Newsletters and email blasts will help you retain pervious coaching clients or workshop attendees. Utilize these marketing channels by notifying those who signed-up to the mailing list about your next workshop. Follow common courtesy rules involving e-newsletters and email blasts (i.e. no spamming, no emailing people who didn’t sign-up).

5. Blog about it. Use your blog to promote your event and demonstrate your knowledge on workshop topics. Consistent blogging will help you gain more attendees and retain past coaching clients. Share your blog posts on all of your social media channels.

6. Get the word out to the community. Does your town have a community event calendar? Are you a member with your local area chamber of commerce? Consider writing a press-release about your event and sending it to community news sources. Send an email to local business organizations detailing your event. Post your workshop event information to community calendars/online forums.



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