Social Media Tag

What is Your Time Worth?

The biggest misconception about social media is that it is FREE. Your time is valuable. The average business owner like yourself is spending a minimum of 6-11 hours per week on social media marketing - consider what that 6-11 hours

Does Your Social Media Strategy Encourage Mobile Interaction?

Did you know that more than half of Facebook users access the site through their smart phones and mobile devices? Have you considered how this would impact your Brand? How this would impact your social media strategy? This past May, AdParlor

Start Thinking Like a Publisher to Promote your Brand

Gone are the traditional ways of marketing and advertising. It used to be that companies could put together an expensive campaign by running a flashy television ad or by purchasing a colorful full page ad in the local newspaper and

Yeah, I’m on LinkedIn. But I have no idea why.

This is what almost everyone I talk to says about LinkedIn. 'Yeah, I'm on it. I accept all of the connection requests I get! But other than that, I don't remember the last time I logged in.' This is NOT a

To Tweet or Not to Tweet…..

Tell me what you're doing in 140 characters or less. Communicate with me about your brand in 140 characters or less. Now. It seems a bit overwhelming when you start to think about micro-blogging and how to effectively speak to

Time Management Tips

Hello again everyone! It has been a couple of weeks (or more) that I have made any attempt at blogging. It’s not my fault. TIME is completely to blame. It either moves very, very fast – for example, my daughter

The Value of a Content Calendar

With US Internet users spending 3X more time on blogs and Social Media than on e-mail, it is no wonder why now more than ever you need to utilize Social Media platforms to actively market your products and services. Understanding

Why Facebook?

Word of mouth is by far the most powerful form of marketing available. Facebook is a platform for just that. Most small businesses are missing the mark on capturing consumers on Facebook. Facebook allows customers to engage with brands that