Should I Invest in Video?

Should I Invest in Video?

We live in the age of video. Everyone is doing it (even your competitors), and if you’re wondering if you should be…the answer is a great big ABSOLUTELY! With the right strategy and execution, video can have a huge impact on many parts of your business. Here’s how:

Increases Conversions and Sales
Multiple studies have shown that including video on a sales page not only increases conversions but also sales! It does this by encouraging people to spend more time on your page, giving your message a longer amount of time to truly sink in. And let’s be honest…people are lazy! By providing them with a video, it allows them to learn about your product without having to work for it.

Improves SEO
In case you didn’t know, Google owns YouTube. By creating videos, posting them on a YouTube channel and embedding them on your site, your SEO rankings will improve. Not only because Google likes content, but also because your average session duration will increase. Simple as that!

Builds Trust
By getting in front of a camera and showing up for your audience, it gives them a chance to really get to know you. And this personal connection is a great way to build trust. Video also allows you to demonstrate how much you know about your industry. This will help solidify your position as an expert.

Encourages Social Engagement
In the super saturated social media world, you have to do something to stand out. And luckily, people on social media (and everywhere) love videos! We have found, for each and every one of our clients, videos are always at the top of the list for highest engagement rates.

While video may seem like a big investment – both in time and money – it doesn’t have to be! The quality of your content is much more important that the quality of your production. Some of our best work has been done on an iPhone! However, make sure you pay close attention to the audio. If people can’t understand what you’re saying, you won’t make as lasting of an impression.

If you’re interesting in learning more about how video can benefit your business, give us a call!



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