Open The Front Door Project

Open The Front Door Project

The Brand Yourself Team is asking you (yes, YOU) to Open The Front Door. Confused? Don’t be. We’ll explain.

The last few months have been… a lot (and that’s an understatement). Businesses large and small have been affected by everything that’s going on in the world, and ultimately customers have been left trying to figure out the best way of showing support while staying afloat themselves.

That’s why we’re starting the Open The Front Door project. This project will hopefully help customers understand how they can best support the local businesses they’ve come to love. The re-opening phases of the economy will seem as though we’ve done it — we’ve made it through — but the impact of the quarantine is yet to be seen on how small businesses have and will survive going forward. Everything has changed.


We were first inspired by the #thefrontstepsproject that many local photographers took on. Locally we followed photographer Lisa Mathre as she went home to home (socially distanced of course) to capture families as they were, on their front porches. (She visited 55 families in only 6 days and only asked for a donation to the local food shelf!) This made a quarantined community feel connected in some capacity. We were together, but we weren’t. The Front Step Project lead to the #thefrontstepsforseniorsproject where the seniors from the class of 2020 were highlighted. Even from afar, and digitally, they were honored in this project.


To tackle this on a local, small business level, we would love to take photos of local businesses along with its owner (or other rockstar employee). We want to promote the same feeling of “we’re in this together” as we felt in quarantine. As businesses move forward in this unfamiliar landscape we want to help promote how the community can come together and help our neighbors succeed.


We will first share the image on our social media channels but fully hope people follow along, share their favorites and spread the love. 

Each post will outline the following:
1. Remind customers what products and services are available to them;
2. Ask for customers to follow the small business on their own social media accounts; and
3. Relay the best way for customers to show their particular business support, since each business is approaching this uncharted territory in their own unique way. A call-to-action could be: subscribe to an email list, buy a gift card, come check out our new line of products, or HEY — we made some changes during quarantine and we want you to come see them!


We want to share direct ways in which customers can show support.

Okay, why are we doing this project? Simply put: we want to help our friends and neighbors. Now that more and more businesses are able to open their doors once again, we can’t just expect things to go back to the way they were before… because they won’t. We need to take action where we can and continue to offer others support where we are able. That’s our intention with Open The Front Door. #openthefrontdoorproject

If you’d like your business to be included in this project, send us a direct message on any of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) or email Tami at


We are excited to see everyone — even if it’s from 6 feet apart while we take  your photo!


PS: If you’re not local to us — we’re sorry, we can’t come take your photos. BUT we DO encourage you to start your own local #openthefrontdoorproject and tag us in a post so we can spread some love!


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