Insta Hack: Create Unique Instagram Bios

Insta Hack: Create Unique Instagram Bios

You may have seen them, the unique Instagram bios that have multiple lines or fun emojis. So you think it seems easy enough right? And hop on Instagram to make it happen. You select edit profile, select bio, enter your text and hit Enter (Return) to change the line, but nothing happens.

Well, what the heck? How do people have a bio like this?

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We are here to share with you a hack that lets you add line breaks and emojis to your Instagram bio. Here’s what you need to do:

Firstly, write your bio with the line breaks and emojis you want in another app like notes.

Second, select the entire text and copy it. Then, paste the copied text into your Instagram bio section and select done.

You should now see your new bio under your profile! Ta-da! You’re welcome.



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