How to Use Instagram For Your Business

How to Use Instagram For Your Business

Have you considered creating an Instagram account for your business? You should! Instagram helps showcase the visual side of your brand. According to Business Insider, “U.S. teens now describe Instagram as ‘most important,’ while Facebook and Twitter lost ground on this measure, according to Piper Jaffray’s twice yearly teen survey. The survey also found that 83% of U.S. teens in wealthy households were on Instagram.” With over 300 million active users, Instagram has jumped up the ranks in terms of social media popularity. Teenagers aren’t your target demographic? No worries. Instagram has grown in popularity with adults as well; 37% of 18-29 year olds use Instagram. With that being said, we put together a few tips on how you can use Instagram for your business.

  • Showcase your products or services. Instagram provides the perfect platform to visually showcase your products and services. Take a creative and fun pictures of your most popular products – whether they’re delicious cupcakes or a new clothing line. Provide a service? Take a picture with a client and share it with your followers.
  • Promote new products and special offers. Do you have a new product? Increase the hype by unveiling it on Instagram before the big release. Post special offers or weekly discounts. Engage with your followers by asking them to “like” or “comment” on a picture.
  • Upload fan content. Did one of your followers take an amazing photo of your brand? Upload it to Instagram, with their permission of course. Followers love to see brands engaging with others by sharing fan-generated content.
  • Host competitions and giveaways. Plan a special competition or giveaway for your Instagram followers. Start a hashtag contest by having your followers pose with your product. Giveaway a product or service for the best picture caption.
  • Reveal what’s happening behind the scenes. Followers enjoy seeing the brand behind the scenes. Post photos of your workspace or employees. Take a snapshot of your product during the creation process. Let followers see your brand’s entertaining side by posting silly brand-related pictures.
  • Share creative inspiration. Post inspirational quotes or images. Show your followers what inspires your brand and the people behind it.


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