5 Things to Consider When Building Your Personal Brand

5 Things to Consider When Building Your Personal Brand

How to leverage your personal brand to build your business.

Brand Yourself is known for leveraging personal brands to grow businesses. We help businesses show up on social media by bringing YOU into your brand. Personal branding wasn’t a term we used much back in the early days of Brand Yourself but I think we knew what we were doing when we named ourselves “Brand Yourself.”

When it comes to leveraging your personal brand to build your business, you have to be the face of your brand. What does this mean? What is a personal brand? Your personal brand is how you are perceived by your audience; what you’re doing, who you are, what you’re selling, and how that affects the people you are trying to influence.

It’s less about what you’re saying and more about your actions. How you relate to people. When someone is looking to hire you or purchase something from you, they are now more likely to look at how you show up before reaching out. They want to see if how you ‘look’ online is someone they can relate with and if your company is still a place where they want to invest their hard-earned money. Do you support the same causes they do? Do your values align with theirs.

Here are five things to think about when clarifying who you are as a personal brand and where you want to go. 

First things first: know what you want to be known for. Don’t back into it, don’t be accidental about it. Think it through, what is it that you want people to remember about you? 

Number two: identify what stories are going to connect with your customers. You solve some sort of problem for your customer. The best way to build online relationships is to connect empathetically with people. This is where you can best leverage social media. Make sure people know that you understand what they are going through and what their problem is – and that you can help them solve it!

Number three: figure out who needs to hear your message. Who is your intended target market? Who is your audience? Knowing the person you are talking to is the key to building your personal brand. 

Number four: What questions do your customers have? Sit down and think through all of your customers’ most common questions. What step, or process, are they going through? Start answering those questions for them! Answer them online, in-person, through videos, and by email. 

Number five: BE CONSISTENT! Make sure you drive home the main point for your audience rather than diluting your message by trying to be an expert in everything. Talk about the problem you solve over and over and over and…..

Need help figuring out how to start leveraging your personal brand? We’re here to help! Reach out to us or book time with me today!






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