19 Ways To Strategically Dominate On Blab

19 Ways To Strategically Dominate On Blab

Blab Strategy (2)

Blab is a new social platform that hosts a network of live 2-4 person video chats (think Periscope meets Google Hangout). You can find or host relevant blabs through categories or by connecting with your Twitter audience. Users can comment along the side of the screen, tweet about the Blab, give “props” to speakers, and join in different Blabs.

Overall, this platform is intended to bring the person back into online personalities. On Blab, social networking becomes far more social, and people are invited to connect on a more authentic level than other social media platforms offer.

That being said, Blab isn’t a free-for-all networking convention. You need to be strategic and intentional about how you use this platform and build your presence. So, we put together a list of tips and hints to help you succeed on Blab.

Get Prepared

  1. Explore Blab. Get an idea for what kinds of conversations exist, how other people moderate a Blab, and how your expertise could flourish on this platform.
  2. Join the conversation. Start getting involved in Blabs in your industry or with your Twitter followers. Comment on their Blabs regularly so they know you are present and engaged. You can also use the “Tell A Little Bird” button to share a Blab with your followers.
  3. Keep it professional. Consider your setting, clothing, and surroundings. While you don’t have to dress in a three-piece suit, your viewers could include potential clients or members of your networks. So, be sure to set up in a clean office where viewers can’t hear your dog barking in the background. If you do not intend to host or chime in, you can disregard this guideline.
  4. On or off the record? You can decide before your Blab starts whether or not you’d like to record the discussion. We’re of the opinion that saving the conversation can’t hurt–especially if you’re in the business of content marketing!
  5. Download the app. Get into Blab both on your desktop as well as your smartphone. You don’t want to miss out on important opportunities because you

Planning Your Blab

  1. Technicalities. You’ll want to consider scheduling your Blab ahead of time so you can promote it. Before you get going, though, be sure to test your equipment. Once you are live, you can’t go back!
  2. You need to be intentional with your Blab so viewers will stay engaged no matter when they jump in or out. Consider Blab how your topic will work with specific lengths and formats. Will your listeners be tuning in and out on their lunch hour? How much time will you give each guest to speak during your Blab? Does your topic lend itself better to an informal discussion or a staged debate?
  3. Determine your topic based on your expertise and the needs of your followers. Just like any good content, you can not force a topic that is unnatural to you or uninteresting to your followers. Do what feels right and fits well within your niche.
  4. Determine a relevant and engaging title. You may want to include industry hashtags and your Twitter handle to gain the attention of potential viewers. Stick to 64 characters or less (some sources even cite 50 chars. as a max) for your title so it’s easily tweetable directly from Blab.
  5. Invite relevant guests who can help jumpstart the conversation. For example, if you’re a social media marketer, reach out to experts in your industry whose points of view will build upon your own.
  6. Promote your scheduled Blab across several platforms (blog, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter, etc.). Twitter is inherently connected with Blab, so be sure to leverage that source. You can also reach out to the users whose Blabs you’ve engaged with and ask them to subscribe to your Blab. This is a great use of your network!
  7. Gather links, CTAs, and images that you can post in the comment section as you talk. That way, the media you discuss during your conversation is on hand for both you and your viewers.

As You Blab

  1. Don’t overstay your welcome. If you join a Blab conversation hosted by someone else, be considerate of the other viewers. The platform only allows 4 people to chat at a time, so you need to take turns.
  2. Clearly communicate the topic, format, and length of your Blab (and do so regularly for viewers who jump in). You’ll want to keep everyone on track, and using official guidelines is helpful).
  3. Change your Blab title. Once you’ve started the conversation, remove unnecessary handles and hashtags in your title so it’s easier for viewers to tweet directly from the Blab without going over the character limit.
  4. Take screenshots. When a new person joins the chat, grab a screenshot to document the convo and even post about it later! You can also keep track of viewers who engage in the comment section so you can follow up with them.
  5. Manage your Blab. Have a clear moderator who can guide the conversation, keeping it on track and moving forward. The moderator will also want to manage comments (a huge factor in succeeding on Blab) and welcome viewers who join the conversation (in the video or in the comment feed).
  6. Close out the Blab appropriately. Be sure your title is exactly how you want it, since that is how the Blab’s URL will be saved. Thank your viewers and guests, and give them a clear CTA as you sign off (eg. follow me on Twitter, for more info read my blog, etc.).
  7. Follow up. Tweet the replay link to your viewers after the Blab and give them a shout out for listening.

For more details on how to host your first blab, check out this detailed post by the Social Media Examiner. For additional tips, head to Ben Requena’s post about Blab.



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